Coxarthrosis is the wear and tear of the hip joint caused by long-term incorrect loading. Even during normal or healthy walking, the hip must support three to four times the body weight with each step. Incorrect movements, shortened muscles – which are extremely strong, especially in the hip – or unfavorable sports accelerate the wear and tear of what is after all the second largest joint in the body.
Healthy hip

Hip with coxarthrosis

What is coxarthrosis?
Coxarthrosis, also known as hip osteoarthritis, is a progressive wear and tear of the cartilage in the hip joint. The cartilage layer actually covers the joint surfaces of the femoral head and the acetabulum, allowing the joint surfaces to glide smoothly. In hip osteoarthritis, however, the cartilage wears down over time, becomes thinner and can even tear in some places. This increases the pressure on the underlying bone and reduces the mobility of the joint.
Coxarthrosis often goes unnoticed for a long time, as those affected often only feel pain at an advanced stage of the disease. However, if the cartilage damage is not treated early, there is a risk of joint stiffness.

Causes & risk factors for coxarthrosis
If the joint cartilage becomes thinner and the joint space narrower, shocks and stresses during movement can no longer be absorbed as well and the pressure load on the bones increases. The causes of the disease are varied and often a combination of several factors.

Coxarthrosis most commonly affects people with increasing age, as the quality of the joint cartilage decreases over the years, which is due to the natural wear and tear of the cartilage. However, it can also occur much earlier with certain pre-existing conditions.
If the hip joint is regularly overloaded, for example through sporting activities or occupational activities, this can lead to premature wear of the cartilage and the risk of osteoarthritis increases.
Injuries or malpositions
If osteoarthritis of the hip joint occurs at a young age, accidents, injuries or misalignments are often the cause.
Being overweight puts more strain on the hip joint, which increases the risk of osteoarthritis.
Women are more frequently affected by coxarthrosis than men. The reason for this is that during the menopause, certain factors accelerate the breakdown of cartilage in the hip joint.
Symptoms occurring with coxarthrosis
As a rule, hip joint arthrosis symptoms develop gradually. It often takes months or even years before the first symptoms appear. Initially, the joint only hurts under heavy strain. Patients mainly suffer from pain in the hip and groin area. As the disease progresses, the symptoms become more frequent. At an advanced stage, even walking normal distances is associated with pain. However, if the hip is not moved, this can lead to further stiffness and restrictions.
Sometimes, however, discomfort and joint stiffness occur in acute attacks and patients feel a stinging, burning or pulsating sensation. However, the pain usually subsides after a few days.
The pain can radiate to the buttocks, the inside of the thigh or even the knee. Hip osteoarthritis usually leads to severe restrictions in everyday life and at work and is often a major burden for those affected.
Do you suffer from the symptoms mentioned or do you suspect hip osteoarthritis? Please contact me for an initial diagnosis and suitable treatment.
Course of the disease
The course of the disease varies from patient to patient and cannot be accurately predicted. Some diseases can occur acutely and worsen quickly, while others can be chronic and progress slowly over a longer period of time. The symptoms often remain unchanged for many years. The course of the disease can be characterized by periods of remission, in which the symptoms decrease or disappear, through to relapses or exacerbations.

Prevent coxarthrosis
The most important measure against hip osteoarthritis is prevention. In some cases, joint wear and tear can be avoided. A healthy lifestyle is important here.
These include:
- Avoidance of excess weight
- Regular exercise
- do sports that are easy on the joints, such as cycling or swimming
- Targeted muscle building
- Get hip pain checked out in good time
By observing these preventive measures and clarifying hip pain at an early stage, the risk of hip wear and tear can be reduced, allowing a better quality of life and mobility to be maintained.

Hip osteoarthritis treatment
The most important thing for me in the treatment of coxarthrosis is to relieve the pain, improve mobility, maintain the function of the hip joint and improve the patient’s quality of life. Sometimes conservative therapies such as painkillers, weight reduction or changes in weight-bearing are sufficient to reduce wear and tear on the hip joint. In advanced stages of the disease, only surgical measures can usually help.
As a specialist in hip operations, I perform the procedures in such a way that my patients can return to their everyday lives as quickly as possible.
Surgical therapies for hip osteoarthritis
Depending on the severity and individual circumstances of the coxarthrosis, various surgical procedures can be considered. I have specialized particularly in total hip replacement.
Total hip prosthesis
A total hip replacement (TH A) can be an effective treatment option for advanced coxarthrosis that leads to severe pain and restricted movement. Both the femoral head and the acetabulum are completely replaced with a prosthesis to relieve pain and restore mobility. Thanks to a minimally invasive, tissue-sparing procedure, patients can be mobilized again very quickly. After successful surgery, the joint is again fully loadable and suitable for sports.

Frequently asked questions about coxarthrosis
How does total hip replacement surgery work?
The operation is usually performed under general or regional anesthesia to prevent pain during the procedure. The surgeon first makes an incision near the hip to gain access to the hip joint. Once access to the hip joint is gained, the damaged part of the joint is precisely removed, taking care to preserve as much healthy tissue as possible. The artificial hip prosthesis, which is made of metal or ceramic and an abrasion-resistant plastic that allows the joint surfaces to glide flexibly, is then inserted into the joint and anchored in place. After the operation, the patient is taken to a recovery ward where their condition is monitored.
For whom is a hip TEP useful?
If the patient suffers from severe pain, can only move to a limited extent and physiotherapy or minor operations no longer help, an artificial hip joint makes sense in order to regain full mobility. Furthermore, hip prostheses are also used after accidents in which the bones have been severely injured.
What needs to be considered before and after the operation?
Before the operation, you should discuss with your doctor any medication you are taking, as some medications may need to be discontinued before the operation. Furthermore, all the doctor’s instructions regarding food intake and drinking before the operation should be followed.
After the first few days of the operation, patients are taught how to move with the prosthesis and how much weight can be placed on the joint. Physiotherapy should be started early in order to restore mobility.
How long does recovery take?
Recovery after hip surgery varies depending on the individual healing process and the specific circumstances of the operation. However, it usually takes several weeks to months before patients are fully mobile again and can resume their normal activities. Compliance with the doctor’s post-operative instructions and regular participation in physiotherapy can speed up the recovery process.
The appropriate treatment of coxarthrosis is crucial for your health and quality of life. If you suffer from this disease, I am available for an initial consultation. Together we can discuss your individual situation and develop an appropriate treatment strategy.